Characteristics of oxygen precipitation in Czochralski-grown silicon (
CZ-Si) intentionally contaminated with Cu or Fe are investigated by me
ans of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission el
ectron micros copy (TEM), electron-beam-induced-current (EBIC) mapping
and etch pit observation. It is found that oxygen precipitation is no
t influenced by the presence of Cu impurities, while it is enhanced si
gnificantly by the presence of Fe impurities even if the concentration
of Fe is much lower than that of Cu. Precipitations of supersaturated
Cu and O impurities are found to proceed independently of each other
in Si crystals. Oxygen precipitates in an Fe-contaminated specimen are
much denser and smaller than those in a noncontaminated specimen. Fe
impurities seem to react with minute Si oxide particles which are pres
ent in as-grown CZ-Si crystals and reduce the nucleation barrier for o
xygen precipitation.