Increased pressures on health care budgets in most countries have emph
asized the need for economic evaluation studies of drugs and treatment
s. Being a chronic condition affecting 1 to 2% of the general populati
on, psoriasis has a substantial economic impact. Several studies on th
e economic impact have already been published. It is not easy to calcu
late exactly the costs and outcomes of treatments. One has to be caref
ul of the pitfalls and be wary of wrong interpretations. Results from
different countries can not be extrapolated and are not easily compare
d. Psoriasis also causes significant psychosocial morbidity. More and
more studies, using a variety of methods are trying to assess the impa
ct of the disease on the quality of life. Physicians and patients are
being sensitized through these economic studies to the cost of treatme
nt which is important in this period of budget restrictions. The resul
ts of these studies can help in management decisions, in a more ration
al use of resources, and can rule out ineffective and expensive treatm