Jd. Westaby et M. Fishbein, FACTORS UNDERLYING BEHAVIORAL CHOICE - TESTING A NEW REASONS THEORY APPROACH, Journal of applied social psychology, 26(15), 1996, pp. 1307-1323
Many applied studies ask people to rate reasons why they perform a beh
avior. The assumption is that strongly endorsed reasons are motives un
derlying behavior. However, this assumption rarely is examined empiric
ally. Moreover, the self-reported reasons literature has lacked theore
tical attention. In this study, we presented a formal model of self-re
ported reasons, entitled reasons theory (RT). RT formally conditions r
eason type (i.e., reasons for and reasons against) on behavioral frequ
ency/intention. RT was compared to a standard reasons approach that do
es not present formal reason postulates. Results showed that RT explai
ned variance in behavior over and above that explained by standard rea
sons, and that correlational coefficients from RT better matched mean
reason results than did standard reasons. RT results were also more su
bstantively interpretable than were standard reasons. Lastly, several
boundary conditions were discussed, including the relationship between
reasons and emotions.