Ranitidine, an H-2-receptor antagonist, is currently used in a wide sp
ectrum of gastrointestinal disorders, including short-term treatment o
f active duodenal ulcer, benign gastric ulcers, and hypersecretory sta
tes. In general, ranitidine is an extremely well-tolerated drug, and v
ery few serious side effects have been recorded. Reported adverse effe
cts have included the following: headache, rash, fatigue, and diarrhea
(1); and rare cases of elevated transaminases (2) and of abnormalitie
s of the hematopoietic system such as leukocytosis (3), agranulocytosi
s (4), and thrombocytopenia (5), most being accompanied by eosinophili
a. We describe the first case of acute eosinophilic pneumonia associat
ed with ranitidine therapy.