Since February 1991, the Physical Oceanography Group, Tohoku Universit
y has conducted a program to monitor the oceanic current field across
the Kuroshio over the Izu Ridge, south of Japan, using the Acoustic Do
ppler Current Profiler (ADCP) system installed on the ferry Ogasawara
Maru. This ferry shuttles 58 times in a usual year between Tokyo and C
hichijima in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands. This ADCP monitoring is re
garded as one component of the Tokyo-Ogasawara Line Experiment(TOLEX).
In this paper, we will briefly describe our ADCP system and data proc
essing procedures, and will present several aspects of the current fie
lds using the data obtained through January 1996. During the period, t
he Kuroshio took the bimodal paths of 34 degrees N and 32 degrees 30'N
as mean positions on the ship course. In the sea south of the Kuroshi
o, many cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies with a scale of 200-400 km in
diameter were observed with passing time of two-four months.