Simple equations for predicting infiltration of water into soil are va
luable both for hydrological application and for investigating soil hy
draulic properties. Their value is greatly enhanced if they involve pa
rameters that can be related to more basic soil hydraulic properties.
In this paper we extend infiltration equations developed previously fo
r positive surface heads to negative heads. The equations are then use
d to calculate infiltration into a sand and a clay for a range of init
ial and surface conditions. Results show errors of less than three per
cent compared with accurate numerical solutions. Analytical approximat
ions to parameters in the equations are developed for a Brooks and Cor
ey power law hydraulic conductivity-water content relation combined wi
th either a Brooks and Corey or a van Genuchten water retention functi
on. These are compared with accurate numerical values for a range of h
ydraulic parameters encompassing the majority of soil types and a rang
e of initial and boundary conditions. The approximations are excellent
for a wide range of soil parameters. An important attribute of the in
filtration equations is their use of dimensionless parameters that can
be calculated from normalised water retention and hydraulic conductiv
ity functions. These normalised functions involve only parameters that
it may be possible to estimate from surrogate data such as soil parti
cle size distribution. Application of the equations for predicting inf
iltration, or their use in inferring hydraulic properties, then involv
es only simple scaling parameters.