Contrary to what is usually implied by work on the relationship betwee
n political opportunity structures and social movements, political ins
titutions are not a general setting offering or denying formal access
and political opportunities to every challenge, but rather favor certa
in types of movements and constrain others. This process of institutio
nal selectivity depends on the relationship between the structure of a
given political institution and the movement type and defines social
movements as pro-institutional, counter-institutional, or neutral. Acc
ordingly, variation in the movements' action repertoire and degree of
success can be observed. Yet, political institutions leave the door op
en to different interpretations by social actors so that a framing str
uggle takes place; at stake is the fit between movement demands and th
e structure of political institutions. The argument is developed throu
gh the example of federalism and its impact on two types of movements-
namely, regionalist and squatters' movements-and illustrated by discus
sing their fate in France, the Netherlands and Switzerland Empirical d
ata suggest that institutional selectivity is to be taken into account
to reach a better understanding of the relationship between social mo
vements and their political context.