Increasing salt concentration from 1.5 to 2.5% increased the emulsion
stability of frankfurters made with lean finely textured tissue (LFTT)
. Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) at 0.25% improved stability and textu
re as well as processing and consumer cooking yields. Kappa (kappa)-ca
rrageenan (0.5%) reduced cooking losses and increased firmness. Isolat
ed soy protein (ISP) at 2% also improved product stability and firmnes
s but lowered sensory scores. The effect of ISP on sensory scores was
greater for those frankfurters produced from lean finely textured beef
than for those with lean finely textured pork. Increasing NaCl concen
tration or including STPP and kappa-carrageenan may improve comminuted
meat products which contain 50% LFTT substituted for lean meat.