B. Fazekas et E. Bajmocy, OCCURRENCE OF THE EQUINE LEUKOENCEPHALOMA LACIA (ELEM) CAUSED BY FUMONISIN-B-1 MYCOTOXIN IN HUNGARY, Magyar allatorvosok lapja, 51(8), 1996, pp. 484-487
Equine leukoencephalomalacia (= ELEM) was first diagnosed in Hungary i
n a horse stock consisted of 3 horses. A 13 years old castrated, a 6 y
ears old stud and a 2 years old foal diseased by nervous symptoms in S
eptember, 1995. The animals - in spite of the treatment applied - died
after three to nine days. The disease started with lack of appetite,
followed by the disturbance of swallowing and chewing indicating the p
aralysis of cephalic and pharyngeal muscles. Paralysis of cephalic and
cervical muscles spread to the muscles of extremities and trunk. The
animals moved with difficulties, tottering and ataxia developed. Signs
of ''blindness'' developed in one animal. At the final stage of the d
isease, the affected animals lied down and died. The pathological exam
ination of one animal revealed pulmonary oedema, Severe oedema was obs
erved in the white substance of the brain during the histopathological
investigation (Figure). Laboratory investigation directed to infectio
us diseases and intoxication caused by pesticides were negative. The d
isease was caused by green maize, the feeding of which started two to
three weeks before the first clinical signs and it was fed during the
whole course of the disease. High pressure liquid chromatographic inve
stigation detected 18.5 mg/kg of feed fumonisin-B-1 contamination in t
he green maize. referring to the whole plant. A survey carried out som
e three years ago on the Eastern part of Hungary detected an approx. 7
0% fumonisin-B-1 contamination in the moulded, as well as damaged maiz
e. Much higher fumonisin-B-1 and other fusarium toxin contaminations w
ere detected in maize produced in 1995 than in the harvest of previous
years. Fumonisin-B-1 contamination was higher than the toxic level (w
hich is 5 mg/kg of feed according to the literature data, 15, 18) in 2
7% of moulded maize samples produced in Hungary in 1995 (5). In that,
the intensive damage caused by the larvae of European corn borer playe
d an important role ensuring favorable conditions for the growing of m
oulds, among them for Fusarium moniliforme producing fumonisin-B-1 tox
in. Occurrence of the disease, as well as the observations and investi
gations made in connection with the present case call the attention th
at it should be reckoned with the occurrence of fumonisin-toxicoses al
so in Hungary.