The on-line monitoring of atmospheric pollutants in air quality networ
ks requires expensive and sophisticated measurement techniques, The ap
plication of passive samplers that have a smaller temporal resolution
is useful for measuring the spatial distribution of atmospheric pollut
ants, Moreover, passive samplers have a strong advantage in remote are
as where electrical power is not available, In recent years a great va
riety of passive sampler types have been used for several pollutants,
In 1991 and 1992, the GSF Forschungszentrum fur Umwelt und Gesundheit
invited various research groups to make their ozone and nitrogen oxide
sampling systems available for comparative testing, It was considered
valuable to include not only well established systems but also method
s still being developed, For the main comparative test six working gro
ups with different methods took part, The main goal was to evaluate th
e integrating ozone measuring methods in comparison with on-line ozone
monitoring techniques under field conditions. For this reason a large
number of collection systems at six alpine measuring stations in Ital
y and Bavaria characterizing different location types were compared ov
er 22 weeks.