Aim: To review Track C on epidemiology and public health. Descriptive
epidemiology: Recent trends in the descriptive epidemiology are report
ed, for example, the rapid spread of HIV in certain Asian countries an
d the more precise insights in the spread thanks to subtyping of HIV-1
(and HIV-2). Transmission: There is now ample evidence that sexually
transmitted diseases enhance the rate of transmission. Viral load in t
he plasma of the mother is highly predictive for perinatal transmissio
n. Progression: Natural history studies have shown that true non-progr
essors are probably rare. Preliminary evidence indicates that the prog
ression rate to AIDS and death does not differ by HIV-1 subtype. Some
genetic factors are associated with the rate of disease progression an
d a few with susceptibility to HIV infection. Interventions and preven
tion: Needle-exchange programmes as an intervention measure for inject
ing drug users were hotly debated and so were HIV (home) testing and c
ounselling. Successes in prevention were reported from Thailand and Ug
anda, and also from small scale programmes.