Laboratory studies were conducted to assess the ethanol production pot
ential from waste bananas. Over a 10-day ripening period, there was a
9% loss of fresh weight by day 6 and a 15% loss by day 10. Ethanol yie
lds from normal ripe bananas were: whole fruit-0.091, pulp-0.082, and
peel-0.006 l/kg of whole fruit Ripeness effects on ethanol yield were
measured as green-0.090, normal ripe-0.082, and overripe-0.069 l/kg of
green whole bananas. Enzymatic hydrolysis was necessary for maximum y
ields. Dilution water was nor essential for effective fermentation. Wa
ste parameters of the banana stillage were measured. (C) 1996 Elsevier
Science Ltd.