This study compared three methods of pain relief in dogs that had tota
l ear canal ablation with lateral bulla osteotomy. The hypothesis was
that systemic opioids with preoperative local nerve blocks would provi
de superior pain relief, Thirty-one dogs with chronic otitis externa w
ere included in the study. Dogs were, randomly assigned to one of thre
e protocols: systemic opioids alone (10 dogs, group 1), systemic opioi
ds with bupivacaine splash block (11 dogs, group 2). and systemic opio
ids with preoperative local bupivacaine nerve blocks (10 dogs, group 3
). Twenty-one dogs had bilateral ear ablation and 10 had unilateral ab
lation. Pain was assessed preoperatively, at extubation, 2 hours poste
xtubation, and 1 day postoperatively by a single observer blinded to t
he analgesic protocol used. Pain scores were not significantly differe
nt within or between groups, nor did unilateral versus bilateral ablat
ion have a significant effect on the scare, Mean scores were less than
3 (scale 1 to 5) for all groups at all observation times, Rough recov
eries were noted in 30% of group 1 dogs, 0% of group 2, and 20% of gro
up 3 dogs. Ninety-four percent of dogs were moderately to heavily seda
ted at extubation. Sixty percent of group 3 dogs remained moderately t
o heavily sedated 2, hours postextubation. Rectal temperature, pulse r
ate, respiratory rate, and postoperative change in serum cortisol leve
ls were not significantly different between groups. Postoperative incr
ease in blood glucose was significantly higher in groups 1 and 3 compa
red with preoperative levels. Twenty-three percent of the dogs require
d additional analgesia or tranquilization after surgery, as determined
by the anesthetist; 1 dog in group 1, 2 in group 2, and 4 in group 3.
Each of the three analgesic protocols provided similar pain relief in
dogs undergoing total ear canal ablation. (C) Copyright 1996 by The A
merican College of Veterinary Surgeons