We use the void probability function (VPF) to compare the redshift-spa
ce galaxy distribution in the Perseus-Pisces redshift survey with arti
ficial samples extracted from N-body simulations of standard cold dark
matter (CDM) and broken scale invariance (BSI) models. Observational
biases of the real data set are reproduced as well. as possible in the
simulated samples. Galaxies are identified as residing in peaks of th
e evolved density held, and overmerged structures are fragmented into
individual galaxies in such a way as to reproduce both the correct lum
inosity function and the two-point correlation function (assuming suit
able M/L values). Using a similar approach, it was recently shown that
the VPF can discriminate between CDM and a cold + hot dark matter (CH
DM) model with Omega(cold)/Omega(hot)/Omega(baryon) = 0.6/0.3/0.1. Our
main result is that both CDM (as expected from a previous analysis) a
nd BSI fit observational data. The robustness of the result is checked
against changing the observer's position in the simulations and the g
alaxy identification in the evolved density held. Therefore, while the
void statistics is sensitive to the passage from CDM to CHDM (differe
nt spectrum and different nature of dark matter), it is not to the pas
sage from CDM to BSE (different spectrum but same dark matter). On suc
h a basis, we conjecture that the distribution of voids could be direc
tly sensitive to the nature of dark matter, but scarcely sensitive to
the shape of the transfer function.