This note is concerned with a high-order spline Petrov-Galerkin method
for m-th order two-point boundary value problems and generalizations
in which the L(2)-inner product is replaced by a composite quadrature
rule. The elementary rule from which the composite rule is formed need
not be accurate, but its weights are required to be positive, and the
number of points cannot be smaller than a certain minimum value. Cert
ain collocation methods are included as a special case. There are no r
estrictions on mesh ratios. The stability and hence convergence of the
methods in L(p)-spaces depends on the uniform boundedness of a discre
te analogue of the L(2) orthogonal projection on certain spline spaces
with respect to the L(p)-norm. Under additional assumptions on the qu
adrature rules, superconvergence results for the approximate solution
and eigenvalues can be proved.