THE relationship between the semantic processing of words and of pictu
res is a matter of debate among cognitive scientists(1,2). We studied
the functional anatomy of such processing by using positron-emission t
omography (PET). We contrasted activity during two semantic tasks (pro
bing knowledge of associations between concepts, and knowledge of the
visual attributes of these concepts) and a baseline task (discriminati
on of physical stimulus size), performed either with words or with pic
tures. Modality-specific activations unrelated to semantic processing
occurred in the left inferior parietal lobule for words, and the right
middle occipital gyrus for pictures. A semantic network common to bot
h words and pictures extended from the left superior occipital gyrus t
hrough the middle and inferior temporal cortex to the inferior frontal
gyrus. A picture-specific activation related to semantic tasks occurr
ed in the left posterior inferior temporal sulcus, and word-specific a
ctivations related to semantic tasks were localized to the left superi
or temporal sulcus, left anterior middle temporal gyrus, and left infe
rior frontal sulcus. Thus semantic tasks activate a distributed semant
ic processing system shared by both words and pictures, with a few spe
cific areas differentially active for either words or pictures.