Responses (486) were collated from a survey of 5054 Australian veterin
arians on their use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs in dogs a
nd cats. Almost all respondents used glucocorticoids (usually predniso
lone) to treat allergic, pruritic dermatoses in dogs, while two-thirds
also gave fatty acid supplements and one-half used antihistamines. Al
most 60% of respondents initially injected a glucocorticoid (frequentl
y a long-acting preparation) when treating inflammatory skin diseases
in dogs. More than 90% of respondents used glucocorticoids to treat im
mune-mediated haemolytic anaemia or thrombocytopenia, and about one-th
ird also gave cytotoxic drugs. Administration of prednisolone on alter
nate days was generally favoured for long-term enteral steroid therapy
Phenylbutazone was the most preferred treatment for painful or inflam
matory musculoskeletal disorders of dogs, but aspirin and pentosan pol
ysulphate were also used widely. Regarding the use of analgesics drugs
generally, both narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammato
ry drugs (NSAIDs) were used more widely in dogs than in cats, but alph
a-2 agonists were used similarly in both species. The most commonly us
ed narcotic analgesics were pethidine and buprenorphine in both specie
s, while the NSAIDs used most often were flunixin and dipyrone in dogs
and ketoprofen in cats. More than 80% of respondents generally used a
nalgesic drugs with potentially painful surgical procedures, with dose
s given usually before anaesthetic recovery. Analgesic use rates varie
d with the condition, ranging from 94% for patients with acute severe
trauma, through 60% for cruciate ligament repair and 29% for perineal
herniorrhaphy, to about 5% for ovariohysterectomy and dog castration.
The three clinical signs most frequently nominated as indicators of pa
in in dogs and cats were (in descending order) vocalisation, response
to handling or palpating the affected area, and mental depression. Oth
er items mentioned frequently were behavioural changes and immobility
(in both species), inappetence/anorexia in cats, and altered respirati
on in dogs.