Patients were observed after the Fontan operation to determine the fre
quency and severity of protein-losing enteropathy. A total of 427 pati
ents who survived for 30 days after the Fontan operation, performed be
tween 1973 and January 1987, were analyzed and, thus far, protein-losi
ng enteropathy has developed in 47 of 427, The cumulative risk for the
development of protein-losing enteropathy by 10 years was 13.4% among
30-day survivors, and 5-year survival after the diagnosis was 46%, He
modynamic studies done coincident with the diagnosis of protein-losing
enteropathy have shown increased systemic venous pressure, decreased
cardiac index, increased pulmonary vascular resistance, and increased
ventricular end-diastolic pressure, Medical management of protein-losi
ng enteropathy was only partially successful, Statistical analysis has
shown that factors related to protein-losing enteropathy were ventric
ular anatomy, increased preoperative ventricular end-diastolic pressur
e, longer operative bypass time, increased length of hospital stay, an
d postoperative renal failure, This study suggests that scrupulous sel
ection of cases for the Fontan operation is mandatory and that certain
perioperative factors may predispose to this serious complication of
the Fontan procedure.