We describe here a molecular model of blastocyst implantation which is
based on two assumptions: (i) that implantation of the human blastocy
st into the endometrium is a process which is very similar to tumour i
nvasion of a host tissue; and (ii) that the cytotrophoblastic cells of
a first trimester pregnancy retain almost all the properties of the t
rophectodermal cells of the blastocyst and can thus be used as surroga
tes to study the implantation process irt vitro. Our model considers t
hat the trophectodermal cells, once they reach the endometrial basemen
t membrane, express integrins (alpha 6 beta 4) which anchor them into
the basement membrane and induce their secretion of gelatinases. These
proteases digest the basement membrane, allowing the embryo to make c
ontact with the endometrial extracellular matrix (ECM), Integrins (alp
ha 5 beta 1) anchor the embryo into the ECM and induce its secretion o
f collagenases. These enzymes digest the ECM, allowing the embryo to b
urrow into the endometrium. This process is under the paracrine contro
l of endometrial cytokines and ECM glycoproteins.