The reproducibility of ambulatory 24-h esophageal pH monitoring was ev
aluated in 16 consecutive patients by comparing the difference in two
consecutive 24-h periods. The study group included 8 patients with scl
eroderma esophagus and 8 treated achalasia patients The amount of refl
ux was expressed as the percentage of time the pH was < 4.0, Both grou
ps demonstrated excellent intrapatient reproducibility overall: 96% in
scleroderma patients and 95% in those patients with achalasia. The le
ast concordance was found in the lengths of the longest reflux events-
70% when supine in scleroderma patients and 59% when upright in patien
ts with achalasia. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) betw
een day 1 and day 2 for either group of patients for any of the elemen
ts studied. These results indicate that intrapatient variability of ga
stroesophageal reflux in patients with scleroderma esophagus and treat
ed patients with achalasia is very low and following therapeutic inter
vention, a high level of confidence can be placed in subsequent pH mon
itoring as an indicator of treatment effect.