Most clinicians are still unacquainted with the beneficial effects of
neurostimulation as an additional therapeutic strategy for severe angi
na pectoris. Patients with therapeutically refractory angina pectoris
suffer from chest discomfort during minimal exercise, despite maximal
tolerated antianginal drug therapy (at least 2 out of a beta-blocker,
calcium-antagonist or long-acting nitrate). In these patients, revascu
larization procedures, such as a percutaneous transluminal coronary an
gioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery, are often technically imp
ossible because of diffuse coronary artery disease or should be withhe
ld as a consequence of absolute contraindications such as severe left
ventricular dysfunction. All patients have inoperable multivessel dise
ase, experienced one or more myocardial infarctions, and were treated
by earlier invasive interventions. This group of patients are severely
physically and psychologically disabled by their intractable angina p
ectoris. Available published data and the neurostimulation experience
of the authors are reviewed in relation to the treatment of cardiac is
chemic syndromes. We conclude that neurostimulation is an effective th
erapeutic adjuvant for patients with severe angina pectoris unresponsi
ve to standard treatment. This treatment modality appears to be safe,
and a promising tool for other ischemic cardiac syndromes.