Recent cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) results suggest that suffici
ent NaCl concentration (greater than or similar to 0.1 M) and superhel
ix density (greater than or similar to-0.05) cause circular DNAs to ad
opt highly extended, tightly interwound configurations, in which the s
trands are laterally contiguous along almost their entire length. Mill
imolar levels of MgCl2 reportedly act synergistically with NaCl to pro
duce similar conformations. However, Monte Carlo simulations with pure
ly repulsive interduplex forces failed to reproduce such structures. I
n the present work, solution measurements of particular physical prope
rties were performed both to characterize the effects of Na+ and Mg2on DNA structure and to provide quantitative tests of Monte Carlo simu
lations of circular DNAs. Supercoiled p30 delta DNAs in 10 mM Tris plu
s 0, 0.122, and 0.1 M NaCl, and 0.1 M NaCl plus 4 mM Mg2+ were examine
d by static and dynamic light scattering (LS and DLS), time-resolved f
luorescence polarization anisotropy (FPA) of intercalated ethidium, an
d circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Upon addition of 0.122 M NaCl,
the radius of gyration (R(g)) decreased substantially, which indicate
s that p30 delta adopts a more compact structure. This contradicts the
cryo-EM studies, where molecular extension and R(g) both increase upo
n adding 0.1 M NaCl. In 0.1 M NaCl, the torsion constant measured by F
PA is practically invariant to superhelix density, and the plateau dif
fusion coefficient at large scattering vector (D-plat) is likewise nea
rly the same at both relaxed and native superhelix densities. Such inv
ariance is difficult to reconcile with any transition from relaxed cir
cles to tightly interwound structures with laterally contiguous strand
s. Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations were performed to generate canon
ically distributed sets of structures, from which average D-0 values a
nd scattered intensity ratios, [I(0)]/[I(k)], were calculated. Agreeme
nt between simulations and experiments in regard to [I(0)]/[I(k)], D-0
and the supercoiling free energy, Delta G(sc)(Delta l), is remarkably
good for the most extensively studied p30 delta samples. The simulate
d structures exhibit no sign of very tight interwinding with extensive
lateral contacts, but instead exhibit most probable superhelix diamet
ers of 85 to 90 Angstrom. When 4 mM Mg2+ was added to native supercoil
ed p30 delta in 0.1 M NaCl, R(g) decreased, D-0 increased, and the lon
gest internal relaxation rate (1/tau(2)(0)) increased, all of which in
dicate a further overall contraction of the molecular envelope. The to
rsion constant exhibited a slight increase that is hardly statisticall
y significant. In this case, agreement between the simulations and exp
eriments was only semi-quantitative for most samples investigated, alt
hough the predicted contraction was exhibited by all five samples of p
30 delta and one of pBR322 DNA. The simulated structures in 0.1 M NaCl
plus 4 mM Mg2+ again showed no sign of extensive lateral contacts. A
plausible explanation is proposed for the highly extended, tightly int
erwound structures seen in cryo-EM, and explicitly tested by Monte Car
lo simulations of a 1000 bp circular DNA at +25 and -50 degrees C. Str
uctures identical to those seen in cryo-EM are in fact the equilibrium
structures in the simulations at -50 degrees C, and the estimated tim
e for equilibration (2.3 x 10(-6) second) is much smaller than the est
imated time for vitrification (1 x 10(-4) second). (C) 1996 Academic P
ress Limited