Background. - Respiratory diseases associated with ulcerative colitis
are rare. Case report. - A 14-year-old girl with ulcerative colitis wa
s admitted for a left pneumothorax. She was given corticoidsteroids an
d enemas of 5 aminosalicylic acid. The pneumothorax was not controlled
by pleural drainage and a pleural irritation was performed under thor
acoscopy. Recurrence of pneumothorax led to surgical pleurectomy. The
following day, a right pneumothorax occurred, also requiring pleurecto
my. The pulmonary biopsies showed constrictive bronchiolitis. A restri
ctive syndrome was confirmed by functional pulmonary examinations. Tot
al colectomy was performed nine months later for the ulcerative coliti
s. Comments. - Ulcerative colitis can be associated with bronchial pat
hology (bronchitis, bronchiectasis). Occurrence of pneumothorax has ne
ver been described; it can be a fortuitous association, but the histol
ogical features are not very different from those described in associa
tion with ulcerative colitis. The treatment of pneumothorax is difficu
lt if the ulcerative colitis requires corticosteroids.