The authors studied two functioning filtration blebs to evaluate a pos
sible transconjunctival route of aqueous humor flow and describe poten
tial differences between thin cystic and thick opaque functioning filt
ration blebs, The specimens were prepared for light and electron micro
scopy immediately after surgical excision because of filtration bleb d
iscomfort. Both blebs had normal collagen in the substantia propria. T
he collagen, however, was widely spaced and subepithelial connective t
issue loosely arranged. Clear spaces were seen in the superficial subs
tantia propria. Epithelial cells were focally acantholytic, separated
by clear spaces. Consequently, clinically distinct blebs demonstrated
similar histologic and ultrastructural features, The epithelial interc
ellular spaces observed in this study provide anatomic evidence that a
queous could move transconjunctivally as a mechanism for filtration bl
eb function.