S. Kumar et al., ALIEN ATTRACTORS AND MEMORY ANNIHILATION OF STRUCTURED SETS IN HOPFIELD NETWORKS, IEEE transactions on neural networks, 7(5), 1996, pp. 1305-1309
This paper considers the encoding of structured sets into Hopfield ass
ociative memories. A structured set is a set of vectors with equal Ham
ming distance h from one another, and its centroid is an external vect
or that has distance h/2 from every vector of the set. Structured sets
having centroids are not infrequent. When such a set is encoded into
a noiseless Hopfield associative memory using a bipolar outer-product
connection matrix, and the network operates with synchronous neuronal
update, the memory of all encoded vectors is annihilated even for sets
with as few as three vectors in dimension n > 5 (four for n = 5). In
such self-annihilating structured sets, the centroid emerges as a stab
le attractor. We call it an alien attractor. For canonical structured
sets, self-annihilation takes place only if h < n/2. Self-annihilation
does not occur and alien attractors do not emerge in dimensions less
than five.