The wake of a leading droplet can influence a trailing droplet's behav
ior by altering the environment through which the trailing droplet tra
vels. A high-ambient-pressure environment not only changes the result
of arty collisions by adding a strong shearing element, bat the increa
se in aerodynamic forces also alters the droplet wake. Despite these e
ffects, this work shows experimentally that classical small-perturbati
on theory for a cylindrical jet breakup into droplets holds over the r
ange of ambient pressure from I to 70 atm. Further, the length of the
stable droplet stream is controlled by droplet wake interactions and a
droplet's ability to resist the inertial and shearing influences of t
he ambient gas. Secondary breakup transitions at high ambient pressure
s do not match those observed in isolated-droplet experiments. Collisi
ons with satellite droplets at elevated pressures enhances deformation
breakup significantly. interestingly, shear shipping in a stream of d
roplets occurs in the Reynolds and Weber number regime associated with
droplet deformation breakup irt the isolated-droplet case. This rapid
stripping phenomena may also be a result of wake interactions.