Despite staggering advances in the neurosciences over the past decade,
detailed knowledge of the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of psychia
tric disorders remains severely limited. Similarly, the mechanisms by
which long-term exposure to psychotropic drugs leads to their clinical
ly relevant actions are not yet known, This relative lack of progress
in psychiatric research is due in part to the extraordinary complexity
of the brain and the difficulties inherent in studying central nervou
s system pathology. However, the lack of progress is also due to the l
imited scope of psychiatric neuroscience, which remains focused to a g
reat extent on traditional neurotransmitters and their receptors as th
e site of pathophysiological lesions in a disease state and as the ult
imate targets for pharmacological treatments of these disorders, This
limited focus persists despite our current knowledge that such neurotr
ansmitters and receptors are truly the tip of the iceberg of the brain
's complex inter- and intraneuronal regulatory machinery. The goal of
this review is to illustrate how our rapidly evolving knowledge of neu
ronal regulatory mechanisms can be used as a template within which to
delineate more complete models of the molecular mechanisms of psychotr
opic drug action, as well as the role of genetic and environmental fac
tors in determining individual differences in drug responsiveness. The
focus of the review is on drug addiction. Repeated exposure to drugs
of abuse has been shown to elicit long-term adaptations in post-recept
or second messenger and protein phosphorylation pathways in specific b
rain regions, There is increasing evidence that these adaptations are
part of the molecular basis of an addictive state, Individual differen
ces in some of these same signaling proteins also may contribute to in
dividual differences in vulnerability for drug addiction. More recent
research has demonstrated that drug-induced adaptations occur in other
, non-second messenger-related, post-receptor signaling pathways, spec
ifically, those influenced by neurotrophic factors, Together, these st
udies provide insight into the complex mechanisms that must be conside
red in understanding the brain's adaptations to chronic perturbations
in general as well as the formation of a neuropsychiatric disorder and
its treatment.