Immunocyochemical labeling was applied to follow the developmental cha
nges in the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin (PV), calbindin D28k
(CaB), and calretinin (CaR) during fetal and infant development of Mac
aca monkey dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus( LGN). For all three prot
eins, LGN cell body and retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axon labeling patt
erns changed temporally and spatially over development, and many of th
ese were LGN laminar specific. CaR+ and CaB+ cells were present at the
youngest age studied, fetal day 55 (F55). After lamination of the LGN
occurred between F90 and F115, CaR+ and CaB+ neurons were specific ma
rkers for the S, intercalated, and interlaminar layers. Double label i
mmunocytochemistry showed that all CaR+ cells contained CaB, and none
contained GABA. CaR+ cell bodies decreased in number soon after birth
so that adult LGN contained only a very small number of CaR+ cells. Th
ese patterns and cell counts indicated that a downregulation of CaR ha
d occurred in the CaB+ population, Although CaB+ cell density in S and
interlaminar zones declined in the adult, cell counts indicated that
this is due to dilution of a stable population into a much larger nucl
eus during development. PV+ cells appeared at F85 only within the puta
tive magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) layers, and PV remained a
marker for these layers throughout development, Fetal PV cells also c
ontained GABA, indicating that they were LGN interneurons. After birth
, GABA-/PV+ cell numbers increased dramatically throughout the whole n
ucleus so that by the end of the first gear, P and RI layers were fill
ed with PV+ cells. Their number and size indicated that these were the
LGN projection neurons, Beginning at F66, bundles of PV+ axons occupi
ed the anterior-middle LGN and filled the optic tract. Up to F101, PV synaptic terminals were restricted to P layers, but after F132 labeli
ng in M layers was heavier than in P layers. Axonal labeling for CaR b
egan at F125. Prenatally CaR+ terminals were present mainly in P layer
s, whereas by postnatal 9 weeks labeling in M layers much exceeded P l
ayers. Axonal labeling for CaB was present at F132, but CaB+ terminals
were observed only after birth with labeling always heavier in M than
P layers. BS postnatal 9 weeks, PV, CaR, and CaB were colocalized in
the same axons and terminals. These experiments indicated that during
development and in the adult LGN, both CaR and CaB were markers for th
e LGN neurons in the S and intercalated pathway. CaR was present trans
iently while CaB persisted into adulthood. PV was a M and P layer mark
er first for interneurons and later for projection cells. The complex
temporal developmental patterns found in this study suggested that vie
wing PV, CaB, and CaR simply as calcium-buffering proteins severely un
derestimates their functional roles during visual system maturation. (
C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.