Follicle enclosed oocytes are arrested at the prophase of the first me
iotic division. Maturation of oocytes occurs in preovulatory follicles
after the preovulatory LH surge concurrently with the final developme
nt of the preovulatory follicle. Although there is little doubt about
the LH surge as the trigger for the resumption of meiosis, the intrafo
llicular signals that regulate the arrest before the LH peak and the r
esumption and progression of meiosis thereafter are still open to ques
tion. The available knowledge is predominantly obtained from in vitro
maturation studies. This paper presents the state of the art on the ac
tion of endocrine and paracrine factors that affect the in vitro matur
ation of bovine oocytes either directly or mediated by cumulus cells.
In particular, the effects of the gonadotropic hormones, growth hormon
e and several growth factors on nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation are
discussed. (C) 1996 by Elsevier Science Inc.