To clarify the directional sensitivity of a single utricle with respec
t to the transaural linear vestibule-ocular reflex (L-VOR) we studied
seven patients before and after vestibular neurectomy. Patients were s
eated upright in an electrically powered car running on a linear track
. Transaural acceleration steps of 0.24 g were applied randomly to the
left and right in the dark The slow phase velocity of the L-VOR was m
easured from the average of the induced compensatory eye movements. L-
VOR asymmetry was calculated as (\R-L\/\R+L\ x 100) and is < 13% in no
rmals. Before surgery, responses were mostly symmetrical. One week aft
er surgery, however, all patients had diminished or absent responses w
ith medial acceleration of the remaining utricle. Asymmetries averaged
65% after correction for spontaneous nystagmus. Our findings indicate
that afferents for the L-VOR originate from the lateral region of the
macula where hair cells with ipsilateral on-directions are located.