Raman scattering and energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction in a diamond-
anvil cell were used to study the salts NaKSO4, K3Na(SO4)(2), NaKCrO4,
and K3Na(CrO4)(2) to pressures of 22.5 GPa. These measurements reveal
that the SO4 and CrO4 tetrahedra in the monopotassium salts become di
sordered while those in the tripotassium salts stay ordered. This diso
rdering occurs without a significant change in the structural arrangem
ent of the cations. We suggest that the disordering results from an im
peded ferroelastic phase transition, which causes the zone boundaries,
and therefore the SO4 and CrO4 tetrahedra, to be distorted, The four
salts are related to one of two structures: The tripotassium salts are
isostructural, the monopotassium salts are closely related. The two s
tructures differ by one symmetry element, which leaves the neighboring
tetrahedra inequivalent. It is this difference that causes only one o
f the structures to form distorted zone boundaries.