I. Liritzis et al., SOLAR BLEACHING OF THERMOLUMINESCENCE OF CALCITES, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 117(3), 1996, pp. 260-268
Original results of solar bleaching of thermoluminescence (TL) of twel
ve Greek calcitic (limestone, marble) stone profiles have been obtaine
d. The residual TL signal due to sunlight exposures (zero to 130 h) di
ffers in samples, but in general follows an exponential decay form con
sisting of one or two components. The first component bleaches fast wi
thin the first 30-70 h and the second component bleaches slowly; the l
atter, occasionally, formed a residual plateau. The first exponential
term decays with different rates ranging between 1-6 (%/h) for the 280
degrees C TL peak and slower, 0.1-0.3 (%/h) for the 350 degrees C TL
peak. Phototransferred TL (PTIZ) of the 280 and 350 degrees C TL peaks
giving rise to a PTIZ peak at around 180 degrees C, was observed. The
residual TL glow curve shape variation as a function of daylight expo
sure time is provisionally used to further develop the method of datin
g carved megalithic masonry [I]. The solar bleached TL signal of calci
tes provides leached TL curves characteristics which inhere useful inf
ormation regarding dating of calcitic stones derived from archaeologic
al sites, and contribute to the complex luminescence phenomenon in cal