Aim : to establish the statement in 1996 of the exploration of the Fal
lopian tubes by falloposcopy in the framework of the tubal or unexplai
ned sterility. Material and methods : the feasibility of the method th
e endotubal aspect and the potential contribution of the falloposcopy
in the exploration of the tubes of infertile women were analyzed from
a review of the literature and a personal experience of 145 tubal endo
scopies. Results : tubal catheterism rate is 91%; duration of the expl
oration varies from 30 to 40 minutes and decreases with the experience
of the surgeon, The tubal lumen is explored correctly on all ifs leng
th in more of 71% of cases. The tubal complications represented by per
forations occur in 5% of cases and essentially on pathological tubes.
False-negative and false-positive rates of the couple hysterosalpingog
raphy/laparoscopy are respectively 57 and 17% as compared to the fallo
poscopy. Conclusion : the falloposcopy is a safe and reproductible met
hod The exploration of Fallopian tubes by this technique dressed more
precise than that obtained from indirect manner by known examinations
that are hysterosalpingography and the laparoscopy.