Objectives. This study sought to further elucidate the regulation of c
avernous smooth muscle tone and to characterize mechanisms of cavernou
s activation and relaxation. Methods. In isolated strips of rabbit cor
pus cavernosum, extracellular electrical and mechanical activity were
recorded simultaneously before and after pharmacologic stimulation. Re
sults. Spontaneous mechanical activity was characterized by fast phasi
c contractions (frequency 6 to 30 min(-1)) associated with fluctuation
s of the extracellular electrical signals. Phasic activity was increas
ed by blockade of potassium channels or by moderate activation of L-ty
pe calcium channels. Faster spikelike fluctuations occurred in the ele
ctrical activity, indicating the existence of spike discharges. All me
chanical and electrical fluctuations were completely abolished by bloc
kade of L-type calcium channels with nifedipine. Conclusions. Our resu
lts indicate that cavernous smooth muscle tone is regulated by both ph
asic and tonic activation mechanisms caused by the opening of L-type c
alcium channels and calcium influx through chemically controlled calci
um influx/release.