The photoionization cross sections for Ar+ through Ar4+, produced by t
he Auger decay of a 2p hole in argon, have been measured between 242 e
V and 253 eV by the use of synchrotron radiation. The high resolution
of the monochromator has allowed a detailed study of the postcollision
interactions that occur in this spectral region. The concept of photo
electron recapture by Ar2+ to produce the Ar+ continuum is studied. Th
e relative values of the quantum-mechanical calculations of the photoe
lectron recapture probability are shown to be in excellent agreement w
ith the present data. The magnitude and shape of the Ar2+ continuum ha
s been explained on the basis that about 67% of the recaptured photoel
ectrons produce excited states of Ar+ which subsequently reemit the el
ectrons by autoionization.