P. Lapostolle et al., A MODIFIED SPACE-CHARGE ROUTINE FOR HIGH-INTENSITY BUNCHED BEAMS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 379(1), 1996, pp. 21-40
In 1991 a space charge calculation for bunched beam with a three-dimen
sional ellipsoid was proposed, replacing the usual SCHEFF routines. It
removes the cylindrical symmetry required in SCHEFF and avoids the po
int to point interaction computation, whose number of simulation point
s is limited. This routine has now been improved with the introduction
of two or three ellipsoids giving a good representation of the comple
x non-symmetrical form of the bunch (unlike the 3-d ellipsoidal assump
tion). The ellipsoidal density distributions are computed with a new m
ethod, avoiding the difficulty encountered near the centre (the axis i
n 2-d problems) by the previous method. It also provides a check of th
e ellipsoidal symmetry for each part of the distribution. Finally, the
Fourier analysis reported in 1991 has been replaced by a very conveni
ent Hermite expansion, which gives a simple but accurate representatio
n of practical distributions. Comparisons with other space charge rout
ines have been made, particularly with the ones applying other techniq
ues such as SCHEFF. Introduced in the versatile beam dynamics code DYN
AC, it should provide a good tool for the study of the various paramet
ers responsible for the halo formation in high intensity linacs. Impro
vements of the method are under development by the authors. These impr
ovements, which might lead to a new step in space charge computations,
are however beyond the scope of this article.