DNA ploidy, mitotic rate (per 10 high power fields), mitotic index (pe
r 1000 tumour nuclei), Ki-67 labelling index and S phase fraction were
measured in 23 uterine leiomyosarcomas and 10 tumours of uncertain ma
lignant potential. Correlations were calculated by Spearmann rank corr
elation, Univariate survival analysis was performed by log rank analys
is and multivariate analysis performed by the Cox linear regression me
thod, Ki-67 index and S phase fraction were significantly higher in le
iomyosarcomas than in tumours of uncertain malignant potential, There
was significant correlation between mitotic rate, mitotic index, Ki-67
index and S phase fraction in cases of leiomyosarcoma. Fifteen of 22
leiomyosarcomas and one of 10 tumours of uncertain malignant potential
were DNA aneuploid. On univariate analysis of all the smooth muscle t
umours, DNA ploidy, presence of significant nuclear atypia and presenc
e of coagulative tumour cell necrosis were associated with outcome, On
ly DNA ploidy was associated with outcome in the group of leiomyosarco
mas. On multivariate analysis of all of the smooth muscle tumours, DNA
ploidy, age and grade of atypia were independently associated with ou
tcome. No single factor was independently predicitive of outcome in th
e group of leiomyosarcomas. Alternative indices of cell proliferation
correlate with mitotic rate in uterine leiomyosarcoma and do not provi
de additional useful prognostic information, DNA ploidy, age and grade
of atypia are independently associated with outcome in uterine smooth
muscle tumours and measurement of DNA ploidy may be useful in identif
ication of cases with an adverse prognosis.