PURPOSE: In patients with idiopathic megarectum, it is unknown whether
abnormality is limited to the dilated large bowel or whether the uppe
r gut is abnormal, as in the various forms of chronic intestinal pseud
o-obstruction. This has important implications for treatment, especial
ly surgery. METHODS: Ten patients (4 females; median age, 18 (range, 1
7-26) years) with idiopathic megarectum had contrast studies of the up
per and lower gut, radioisotope (technetium-99m liquid and indium-111
solid phase) measurement of gastric, small-bowel, and colonic regional
transit, and radiopaque marker colonic studies. RESULTS: All patients
had a dilated large bowel. No patient had radiographic evidence of up
per gut dilation. Four patients had normal and six patients had abnorm
ally slow gastric emptying. Both the radioisotope scans and radiopaque
marker studies showed abnormal colonic transit. Regions of delay corr
esponded with the region of dilated bowel. Symptoms of abdominal diste
ntion and bloating did not correspond to abnormalities of gastric empt
ying but rather with effectiveness of rectal evacuation. CONCLUSION: P
atients with idiopathic megarectum have abnormal colonic transit, dela
y occurring predominantly in the dilated gut. Marker studies are less
sensitive than isotope studies but provide adequate information for cl
inical purposes. Although motility abnormalities of the upper gut are
common, symptoms correlate with large-bowel abnormalities.