A 66-year-old woman presented with a 6-week history of an indolent ulc
erating lesion on the anterior chest wall. She had a past medical hist
ory of pulmonary tuberculosis which had been treated successfully in 1
947, Biopsy of the ulcer showed granulomas and acid-fast bacilli. Cult
ures grew Mycobacterium tuberculosis, sensitive to all antituberculous
drugs, After 7 months of treatment with isoniazid and rifampicin, the
re was little sign of healing. A sinogram showed a fistula leading int
o the plombage mass in the left upper lobe. Surgery to remove the plom
bage and excise the fistula was planned but was rejected by the patien
t as the risks of this operation are considerable. With continued anti
tuberculous medication the discharge has reduced although the ulcer ha
s not healed.