Patients developing Hodgkin's disease (HD) after a diagnosis of chroni
c lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), are frequently included in a series of p
atients with Richter's syndrome (RS). We sought to determine the natur
al history of the association of CLL and HD. Over a 21 year period, 13
74 patients with CLL have been registered in our computer data base. S
even cases of CLL and HD have been documented and confirmed. The media
n age of these patients was 71 years (range 44-77) and clinical featur
es included male gender (86%), B symptomatology (86%), rapidly progres
sive lymphadenopathy (71%), prior CLL therapy (71%), advanced Ann Arbo
r stage (86%), marrow involvement with HD (43%), and autoimmune hemoly
tic anemia (29%). HD was documented by excisional lymph node biopsy in
six cases and splenectomy in one. Mixed cellularity HD was shown in s
ix and nodular sclerosis in one. Five of the biopsies revealed interve
ning areas consistent with small lymphocytic lymphoma. The Sternberg-R
eed (SR) cells were CD15+ in 6/7 cases, and Ki-1+ in the 6 patients te
sted. CD45 and CD20 staining of the SR cells was nonreactive. The medi
an time to development of HD was 45 months (range 0 to 96). The overal
l responses to different chemotherapy regimens was approximately 25% w
ith only one CR. Six patients have died at 3, 9, 10, 13, 15 and 36 mon
ths and one patient is alive with progressive disease at 11 months. Ou
r data suggests that CLL patients have a heightened risk for HD, featu
res of advanced HD on presentation, and a poor response rate with shor
t survival.