Seventy-nine children ages 36-71 months evaluated 2% commercial UHT mi
lk and 2% commercial pasteurized milk for taste, color and mouthfeel w
ith age appropriate facial hedonic scales with Peryam and Kroll verbal
descriptors. Children significantly preferred the pasteurized milk ov
er UHT milk for taste and mouthfeel attributes. Descriptive analysis o
f milks with an adult trained panel showed a significantly higher cook
ed note in UHT milk products which may explain the difference in prefe
rence. The results also showed that children 36-47 months were able to
use the 3-point scale; children 47-59 months the 5-point scale; and c
hildren 60-71 months the 7-point scale to score preferences for food.
Data transformation for a 0 to 100 point scale provided ease of compar
ison between age groups. Using the appropriate testing instruments, yo
ung children were able to provide valid food preference information.