Purpose: Because oral, buccal, and sometimes oral-pharyngeal manifesta
tions in epilepsy are linked to the central-temporal region, we studie
d 3 patients with childhood-onset partial seizures that consistently b
egan with pharyngeal dysesthesias, described as either throat tingling
or burning, to localize seizure onset. Methods: Because of an intract
able clinical course, each patient underwent invasive video-EEG monito
ring, which localized the epileptogenic zone to the mesial temporal lo
be. The 3 patients underwent temporal lobe resections. Results: All 3
patients achieved remission of the pharyngeal auras and a 90-100% redu
ction in the frequency of their seizures. Conclusions: Pharyngeal dyse
sthesias can be the initial manifestation of complex partial seizures
(CPS) of temporal lobe origin.