The pathway of ethylene biosynthesis was examined in two lower plants,
the semi-aquatic ferns Regnellidium diphyllum Lindm. and Marsilea qua
ndrifolia L. As a positive control for the ethylene-biosynthetic pathw
ay of higher plants, leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. were i
ncluded in each experiment. Ethylene production by Regnellidium and Ma
rsilea was not increased by treatment of leaflets with 1-aminocyclopro
pane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), the precursor of ethylene in higher plan
ts. Similarly, ethylene production was not inhibited by application of
aminoethoxyvinylglycine and alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, inhibitors of
the ethylene biosynthetic enzymes ACC synthase and ACC oxidase, respe
ctively. However, ACC was present in both ferns, as was ACC synthase.
Compared to leaves of Arabidopsis, leaflets of Regnellidium and Marsil
ea incorporated little [(14)]ACC and [C-14]methionine into [C-14]ethyl
ene. From these data, it appears that the formation of ethylene in bot
h ferns occurs mainly, if not only, via an ACC-independent route, even
though the capacity to synthesize ACC is present in these lower plant