Atmospheric icing is an important cause of damage to transmission line
s and a major concern about their design and reliability. Dangerous ic
e accretions can be glaze caused by freezing rain precipitations, rime
caused by in-cloud icing, or wet snow. For the design and maintenance
of power line networks and for the validation of numerical icing mode
ls, it is very important to obtain field data pertaining to such icing
events. For this reason, a natural icing test site was developed at M
t. Valin (Quebec) Canada, which allows the observation, each year, of
about fifteen significant icing events. The Mt. Valin experimental ins
tallation consists of two instrumented test lines, meteorological inst
rumentation and a data acquisition and transmission system. Field data
on icing collected at the test site from November 1990 to May 1991 ar
e presented and analyzed. Generally, an icing event comprises three di
fferent phases: an accretion phase, a persistence phase and a shedding
phase. During the 1990-91 icing season, the average duration of icing
events was 34 hours for the accretion phase, 137 hours for the persis
tence phase and 17.2 hours for the shedding phase. The results show th
at icing and shedding rate mean values are higher for a 12.5-mm diamet
er conductor than for a 35-mm diameter conductor. The corresponding ma
ximum values observed during November 1990 on the 12.5-mm diameter cab
le, were 157 g/(m.h) for the accretion phase and 743 g/(m.h) for the s
hedding phase. Using a constant icing rate empirical model, the Mt. Va
lin data give a correlation coefficient equal to 97% for the conductor
s of the main test line. The analysis shows that the same type of mode
l can be used for the shedding phase.