Regional safety planning is a coherent view of safety issues that atte
mpts to establish a coordinated safety policy in a region. From a lega
l viewpoint this is a challenge, because traditionally the different l
egal instruments are applied independently. This leads to results that
are sometimes not very consistent. Regional safety planning needs coo
rdination among all the involved authorities and different laws. Unlik
e safety planning within a private enterprise, where all the decisions
can be taken by one body, regional safety planning must take into acc
ount a lot of different actors with their corresponding legal rights a
nd duties. Regional safety planning is a complex task, which should be
undertaken only in complex situations. The existing legal framework h
as to be respected. This may lead to results that differ from those re
ached from purely technical considerations, for example different risk
sources may be treated differently because of different legislations,
even though the risk may be the same; the results of a risk-benefit a
nalysis depends on whose risks and whose benefits are taken into accou
nt; and cost effectiveness cannot be applied without taking into accou
nt the distribution of costs and risks. Regional safety planning must
be implemented by legal means, such as regulation, economic incentives
, and land-use planning. Decisions about measures to be taken must tak
e into account the existing formal competences and the need for democr
atic legitimation of risk-related decisions.