This study assessed the effect of needle electrode position on the hum
an cochlear summating potential (SP) obtained by transtympanic electro
cochleography (ECochG). Electrocochleography was performed on 10 subje
cts with large central tympanic membrane perforations with good cochle
ar function, and in whom a needle electrode could be accurately placed
in a series of five pre-determined positions in the middle ear. A com
parison of the electrocochleograms revealed a wide scatter of results
between different positions in the same patient and between similar po
sitions in different patients. Only when the needle was repositioned a
t an almost identical recording site in the same subject, was good rep
roducibility achieved. Such a wide and unpredictable variation in resu
lts would suggest great caution is needed when comparing traces obtain
ed using a transtympanic technique which precludes a view of the elect
rode tip.