Mutations of the human androgen receptor gene may disturb sexual devel
opment in males, and are inherited as an X-linked recessive trait. The
vast majority of the mutations are familial. We have identified a lar
ge kindred with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) withou
t detectable androgen-binding in genital skin fibroblasts. A single nu
cleotide substitution (C-to-T transition) was identified, resulting in
an Arg(855) to CYS in the androgen binding domain. To date, four inde
pendent CAIS families have been reported with this specific mutation t
hat coincides with the propensity of cytosines at CpG dinucleotides to
methylate. An allele-specific oligo-nucleotide assay was developed th
at allowed for the rapid and specific identification of this mutation
hot-spot in individuals with androgen receptor insensitivity syndromes