In the northern US Corn Belt, plant residue retained on the soil surfa
ce increases risk of poor stand establishment and growth of corn (Zea
mays, L.). This limits adoption of no-tillage and other conservation t
illage systems which are effective in reducing soil erosion. Field and
laboratory research has shown that surface residue reduces soil heat
unit accumulation by reducing soil heat flux, and conserves soil water
by reducing evaporation rate, Surface residue also hinders planter op
eration and uniformity of seed placement, Removing excessive or non-un
iform plant residue from the seed row increases germination and emerge
nce rate by improving seed depth uniformity and by increasing soil hea
t unit accumulation, Appropriate use of planter attachments to manage
surface plant residue has been shown to improve conditions in the seed
zone for reliable corn establishment in the northern US Corn Belt.