Interpretations of geographic changes in production over the last 20 y
ears have themselves drawn upon theories of global economic change. In
turn those theories rely upon models of economic dynamics that rest u
pon unduly restrictive notions of equilibrium and that ignore space an
d region. This paper therefore explains a multiregion dynamic model of
profitability capital investment, and value that eschews notions of e
quilibrium. The model, even in its general form, demonstrates that val
ues are spatially variable; that net flows of capital occur between re
gions even if rates of profit are equal; that net flows of capital do
not necessarily point to higher profit locations; and that the traject
ory of rates of profit depends not only upon the traditional notions o
f organic composition and rate of exploitation but also upon the rates
of growth of demand, supply, and capital, as well as upon trade and i
nvestment policies. The next stage of this research is to use empirica
l observation to estimate the parameters of the model so as to illustr
ate its usefulness in interpreting the historical geography of product
ion in the OECD.