The efficient computation of the leftmost eigenpairs of the generalize
d symmetric eigenproblem Ax = lambda Bx by a deflation accelerated con
jugate gradient (DACG) method may be enhanced by an improved estimate
of the initial eigenvectors obtained with a multigrid (MG)-type approa
ch. The DACG algorithm essentially optimizes the Rayleigh quotient in
subspaces of decreasing size B-orthogonal to the eigenvectors previous
ly computed by a preconditioned conjugate gradient (CG) scheme. The DA
CG asymptotic rate of convergence may be shown to be controlled by the
relative separation of the eigenvalue being currently sought and the
next higher one and can be effectively accelerated by the use of vario
us preconditioners taken from the family of the incomplete Cholesky de
compositions of A. The initial rate may be ameliorated by providing an
initial guess calculated on nested finite element (FE) grids of growi
ng resolution. The overall algorithm has been applied to structural ei
genproblems defined over four nested FE grids. The results for the com
putation of the 40 smallest eigenpairs indicate that the asymptotic co
nvergence is very much dependent on the actual eigenvalue distribution
and may be substantially improved by the use of appropriate and relat
ively inexpensive preconditioners. The nested iterations (NI) may lead
to a marked reduction of the initial iterations on the finest grid le
vel where the solution is finally required. NI decreases the CPU time
by a factor of 25. The performance of the NI-DACG method is very promi
sing and emphasizes the potential of this new approach in the partial
solution of symmetric positive definite eigenproblems of large and ver
y large size. Copyright (C) 1996 Civil-Comp Limited and Elsevier Scien
ce Limited